Expert: Azerbaijan continuously distorts Armenian history

PanARMENIAN.Net - Historian, professor, corresponding member of the RA National Academy of Sciences, Head of the Armenian History Department at Yerevan State University Babken Harutyunyan said that the Azerbaijani authorities use historians to push their anti-Armenian propaganda.

Each sphere of the Armenian history was distorted by the Azerbaijani historians, Harutyunyan told a press conference in Yerevan.

If similar behavior is not retaliated, “any lie may become truth with the lapse of time.”

The expert referred to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s speech during the October 16, 2010, meeting with journalists from the Armenian Diaspora in Goris, where the Armenian leader noted that “anti-Armenian fascism is getting momentum in Azerbaijan, being executed purposefully and on the highest level.”

However, Harutyunyan noted that one scientific proof may foil these falsifications despite of Azerbaijan efforts.

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