Emmy: Boom-Boom song seems to be easy one for performance, what is untrue

Emmy: Boom-Boom song seems to be easy one for performance, what is untrue

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia’s representative at Eurovision 2011 Emmy said that Boom-Boom song seems to be an easy one for performance at first sight, what is untrue.

It is especially difficult to perform the song along with dancing during it, Emmy told a press conference.

Asked whether Boom-Boom song allows displaying her vocal qualifications, Emmy said that her qualifications are rather strongly presented in the third part.

“However, it should be noted that it is a song contest, but not that of vocal qualifications,” concluded Emmy.

Head of the Armenian delegation to Eurovision 2011 Gohar Gasparyan said for her part that ArPi will take the stage with Emmy as a background singer.

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