ENPI Info Center: most Armenians feel Armenia and EU have good relationship

ENPI Info Center: most Armenians feel Armenia and EU have good relationship

PanARMENIAN.Net - ENPI Info Center conducted a poll, questioning 400 members of the Armenian general public, as part of an EU-funded survey of attitudes towards the EU, carried out across the Neighbourhood partners.

Most respondents feel that Armenia and the EU have a good relationship, with the number fairly stable since the first poll was conducted. Almost seven out of ten respondents (68%) assert that in general, relations between the EU and Armenia are very or fairly good, down from 77% in June 2010 and 78% in December 2009. The poll also finds that fewer people believe that Armenia has benefited from EU policies toward their country, (55%, seven percent less than in June 2010 and 14 percent less than in December 2009).

The top five characteristics that best represent the EU are: human rights (47%, up from 39% in June 2010 but down from 50% in December 2009), rule of law and transparency (40%), individual freedom (36%) and democracy (36%), with the latter three figures more or less similar to the previous polls. The figure for absence of corruption (40%) is up a striking 26 percentage points in six months, while there is an increase of 16 points over the same period in the number of respondents who selected honesty as representative of the EU (35%).

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