Artificial additives used in bread baking can cause cancer

Artificial additives used in bread baking can cause cancer

PanARMENIAN.Net - Modern world strives for using natural products, including bread, which is usually produced with the use of various additives, preservatives, emulsifying agents, food paints etc.

Europe resumes natural (organic) bread production, which is 4-5 times more expensive compared to ordinary bread containing synthetic additives. On May 23, Kroup company manager Khachik Stambultsyan, who is engaged in bio-bread production, told a press conference in Yerevan that 1 kg of natural bread in Europe costs Euro 12, the label indicating all ingredients, what is not observed in Armenia.

«Using bread with synthetic additives causes different gastrointestinal illnesses, up to oncological diseases, because sometimes it contains genetically modified microorganisms,'' he noted.

Today Kroup company produces about 300 loaves of bread daily, its consumers being the U.S. Embassy in Armenia, the U.N. Office in Armenia, several hotels and supermarkets.

Academic Alexandr Selimyan (Armenian technological academy), in turn, pointed out that the bread production field in Armenia is corrupted, thereby Armenian Ministry of Defense refuses to include bio-bread in the soldiers' ration.

5  23.05.11 - Press conference about bread quality issues
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