President: Armenia overcame crisis with minimum social damage

President: Armenia overcame crisis with minimum social damage

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said Armenia’s economy has a real opportunity to be among leading countries in the world by the paces of its development, despite negative external impacts, geopolitical location, blockade and social, economic and structural problems.

“We have overcome the recent crisis with minimum social damage. Today we face new challenges, which we need to tackle to recover lost ground and solve a certain task – increase the development pace,” Sargsyan told the 4th congress of the Armenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Armenian leader also referred to the initiatives offered by the Armenian government to improve the business environment and facilitate investment attractiveness. “The initiatives indicate that the government has intensified the program on business facilitation and business environment improvement in the republic,” Sargsyan said.

4  26.05.11 - President Serzh Sargsyan visits RA Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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