Armenian Agriculture Minister to visit Israel in autumn

Armenian Agriculture Minister to visit Israel in autumn

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan met with Israeli Ambassador to Armenia Shmuel Meirom, who emphasized the importance of Minister’s visit to Israel in the framework of the oncoming international exhibition on hothouse economy, on November 16-17, 2011.

According to the Agriculture Ministry’s press office, the parties discussed perspectives of Armenian-Israeli cooperation development and underlined common traditions and interests between Armenia and Israel. Among cooperation trends, they pointed out exchange of experience in implementation of contemporary technologies in the field of irrigation, cattle-breeding, creation of hothouse economies.

In this context, Minsiter Karapetyan made a point of enhancing a program MASHAV (Israeli Center for International Cooperation) and concluding cooperation agreement between two countries ministries for systematized cooperation.

In his turn, amb. Meirom said that Israel is open for cooperation with Armenia in the framework of MASHAV program.

The Armenian-Israeli cooperation in the agricultural field was launched back in 1993. Taking into consideration development of reprocessing sector in Armenia, presently there is an agreement on export of fruit concentrates to Israel.

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