ATCP films to be screened this year at Golden Apricot

ATCP films to be screened this year at Golden Apricot

PanARMENIAN.Net - Within the framework of the Golden Apricot 8th international film festival all five films of the Armenia-Turkey Cinema Platform (ATCP) will be screened, according to Art Director for Golden Apricot Susanna Harutyunyan.

Within the 30th festival in Istanbul, on April 12, 2011, world premieres of the ATCP films were presented. These films are: Galata by Diana Kardumyan, Puppet Theatre by Canaya Ozden, Don’t Get Lost Children! by Gulengul Altinas, The Master of Doves by Artur Sukiasyan and Neighbours by Gor Baghdasaryan.

Altinas’ Don’t Get Lost Children! presents a fragment from the history of an Armenian children's camp in Istanbul, where Editor-in-Chief of Agos Istanbul newspaper was brought up.

In 2010, ATCP allotted joint grants on the part of Armenian and Turkish cinematographers for 8 films, screened with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia and the Foundation of European Cooperation.

The 8th Golden Apricot festival will take place in Yerevan on July 10- 17.

4  01.07.11 - Press conference about cooperation of embassies and international structures within the frameworks 8-th Golden Apricot International Festival
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