Armenia denies info on Karabakh used as drug transit territory

Armenia denies info on Karabakh used as drug transit territory

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian Police Chief officially denied information suggesting Nagorno Karabakh was used as drug transit territory.

As Alik Sargsyan told a news conference in Yerevan, NKR law enforcement agencies are waging an active and consistent struggle against drug trafficking.

Sargsyan explained the rumours by “the attempts of neighbouring states to badmouth Karabakh”, noting that no drug trafficking incident was reported on the territory of Artsakh.

The head of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia Viktor Ivanov did not preclude circulation of drugs in conflict zones, however refraining to note if any drug trafficking incidents were reported in Karabakh.

5  06.07.11 - Session with participation of CSTO member states representatives
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