IFC-held training sessions help minimize liquidity risks

IFC-held training sessions help minimize liquidity risks

PanARMENIAN.Net - IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is training Armenian bankers in specific aspects of risk management to help make the banking system more stable and efficient, which is especially important to enable the economy to recover from negative effects of the global financial crisis, according to press service of IFC Yerevan office.

IFC held training sessions on July 18-19 in Yerevan that covered the main trends in global banking. The training focused on financial instruments that can minimize liquidity risks arising from events such as credit rating downgrades or sudden, unexpected cash outflows. Over 20 participants from leading banks joined the program.

“The training helped participants understand how liquidity risks affect the banking business,” said Thomas Lubeck, IFC Regional Head for the Caucasus. “Participating bankers acquired a set of standards that can be applied in their respective banks to mitigate and prevent those risks in the future.”

IFC’s Financial Crisis Response Program in Europe and Central Asia organized the training in partnership with the Development Bank of Austria. IFC is also working to improve the business-enabling environment for financial institutions, and providing in-depth consultancy to selected financial institutions in Armenia through its Armenia Banking Market Development Project.

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