Makar Ekmalian’s 155th birth anniversary celebrated in India

Makar Ekmalian’s 155th birth anniversary celebrated in India

PanARMENIAN.Net - On 31st July 2011, the Armenian Church of India celebrated the 155th birth anniversary of the great Armenian composer Makar Ekmalian at the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth, Kolkata, India.

The evening begun with ‘Ov Hayoc Ashkharh’ song by the Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy choir which was followed by a number of other compositions from the invaluable repertory of the great musician.

At the end of the concert, Very Rev. Father Khoren Hovhannisyan, Pastor of Armenians in India and Manager of Armenian College and Philanthropic Academy delineated Makar Ekmalian’s biography and the beauty of the ingenious works to the audience and the important role that the great composer played in spiritual and lay art of singing.

Father Khoren concluded his speech by quoting Komitas Vardapet’s note of appreciation for Ekmalian. “Dear Musician Mr. Makar Ekmalian sowed the first harmony in the desolate musical phase of our nation. We are indeed happy that we, Armenians can now proudly say that we have not been left behind from the advancement and growth of universal professional and artistic music.”

The occasion was celebrated in the presence of the Church Committee, Armenians of Kolkata, students and teachers of Armenian College and distinguished guests.

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