Baku-Ankara relations were always complicated - expert

Baku-Ankara relations were always complicated - expert

PanARMENIAN.Net - Russian political expert shared his views on Azerbaijan-Turkey relations in an interview with

“Baku-Ankara relations have always been complicated, with Turkey trying to assume the role of a leader, whereas Azerbaijan has enough potential to position itself as its equal,” Stanislav Tarasov said.

“In current situation, Azerbaijan will attempt to preserve ties with both Israel and Turkey. At the same time, Ankara could play the “Armenian card”, hinting at the possibility to ratify Zurich-signed protocols,” the expert said.

“Baku won't be threatened by the fact; however, it's clear that after the Arab spring, Turkey's presence has weakened while the country's enemies increase in number: here belong tensions with Israel, Syria, Iran, Greece and Cyprus, aggravated ties with EU, Moscow-related complications. Were this policy to continue, at some point, Ankara may be at

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