Berlinale features Stephen Daldry’s 9/11 drama

Berlinale features Stephen Daldry’s 9/11 drama

PanARMENIAN.Net - Director Stephen Daldry has brought Sept. 11 drama "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" to the Berlin International Film Festival, saying the film was sensitive to make, AP reported.

The movie, showing out of competition, stars newcomer Thomas Horn as a precocious child whose father, played by Tom Hanks, dies in the 2001 attacks. It is a best picture nominee at this year's Oscars.

Horn said Friday he didn't really remember that day — he was 3 at the time — but "became more emotionally connected to the event" by going to New York and talking to people who had lost relatives.

Daldry, the director of "The Reader," says the team making "Extremely Loud" knew how sensitive the subject was and tried to keep some family groups close in the process.

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