Diaspora has a soberer look at current developments than the RA

In fact, neither radicals nor moderates know what Armenia should forgo when establishing friendly relations with Turkey .

Armenian Diaspora from the very beginning of its existence has been rather a strong and cohesive social institution, whose role especially increased after 1915. In fact, branches of the oldest Armenian political parties and, above all, those of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun served as a government for the Armenians, who did not recognize the Sovietized Armenia of 1920 as the homeland they had been dreaming of. Everything changed after collapse of the USSR , and the Diaspora began to act on behalf of independent Armenia . But very soon the situation changed.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Before 1998 opinion of the Diaspora was very rarely considered in Yerevan and often the consideration was enforced for the simple reason that some assistance was rendered from abroad. Diaspora, in its turn, was alarmed at the absence of a law on dual citizenship and the inability to influence the procedures at home. However, much has changed recently: the Diaspora is listened to and it is consulted when certain issues, especially those related to the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide need to be lobbied. It should be noted that great is the role of the Diaspora in the attempt to resolve all-Armenian issues. We purposely mention "attempts", as no problem, be it recognition of the Armenian Genocide or regulation of the Karabakh problem, has yet found a radical solution, and this is probably the fault of the nation as a whole. However, currently there is another issue on the agenda which cannot be solved without taking into account the opinion of the Diaspora. It is the issue of the Armenian-Turkish agreement in the form it is presented to people who are unfamiliar, of course, either with the text or with the content of the Protocols. Therefore, people arrive at the only conclusion that Karabakh is already sold, shattering the future of the whole nation.

The most radical part of the Armenian communities abroad, especially representatives of the Dashnaktsutyun Faction, are against signing any kind of protocol with Turkey . The motivation of this part of the society is quite strong and clear - they are offspring of the genocide victims who lost homeland that is being taken away from them again. The more moderate part of the society believes nothing bad will happen: let the border be opened; Armenia has nothing to lose. This point of view is pragmatic and not devoid of meaning. But there is also a third group - the small part of the "elite", which tries to gamble on these protocols, thus earning a reputation. And however sad it might be, they succeed...

But the most important thing is that in fact, neither the radicals nor the moderates know what Armenia should forgo, establishing friendly relations with Turkey. If you read the texts of the protocols carefully, you come to the conclusion that Armenia forgoes nothing. We do not give up anything.. Neither does Turkey. Both sides preserve what they have. And though it is difficult to believe, it's true: there is nothing in the Protocols to panic about. The Armenian society is boosted up with people who are far detached from the reality and who read only Azeri-Turkish press. That is, they do what is strongly unadvisable. But wouldn't it be strange if propaganda "on the other side of the river" were spread in favor of Yerevan and not Baku... It is a purely rhetorical question with quite clear a response. However, it should also be noted that though we shouldn't "panic", we still need to be prepared for any eventuality. Armenian history knows a number of instances when the lulled by mellifluous Ottomans and Europeans, the Armenians were deprived of their land and even lives.

From this perspective Diaspora has a soberer look at the current developments, and it is that sober assessment that the Armenian President needs in his Pan-Armenian tour. However, the Armenian president is not going to give explanations to the Diaspora - Serzh Sargsyan knows that the Armenians abroad picture the situation more realistically instead of being contented with the puzzle pieces that Armenia is not even able to put together properly. The President goes to listen to the opinion of the majority that has the right to be listened to, and from this point of view his tour is quite justified. Besides, in case of the most unfavorable turn of events, i.e. if anything is taken from Armenia, there is always the opportunity not to sign the Protocols, claiming that the Armenian nation is against it. And though, no one has ever taken into account views of common people in solving vital issues, as means of attaining certain objectives it has always proved to be helpful.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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