Over the past 20 years Baku agitprop has only learnt lying

For some reason, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are not declared personae non grata, though they go to Stepanakert from Yerevan.

That the Azerbaijani propaganda can draw up everything to the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan is no longer a novelty. However, sometimes one comes across such “chefs-d'oeuvre” that it is sinful not to dwell on them. As always, exhibited itself Day.az, whose inadequacy has already become the talk of the town. And it hardly matters how truthful the information disseminated by this portal is, the main thing is that the “aggressor gets its bitters, and the poor and unfortunate people of Azerbaijan live with hopes for a bright future under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, the undistinguished son and not less undistinguished Supreme Commander.

PanARMENIAN.Net - From time to time Baku declares that her patience is either coming to an end, or it has already ended. Meanwhile, she is engaged in a most favorite occupation for her – falsification and spreading of misinformation. In short, what Baku agitprop has learnt over the past 20 years is lying. Here is a recent example. Regional Director of the MTV for Eurasia, Matthew Goldstein commented on the organization of a concert in Baku with participation of a number of international show business representatives. Referring to MTV's intention to hold a concert in Baku in September, Matthew Goldstein said: “We have already reached a preliminary agreement, invested some financial resources and obtained certain permits for this concert. Azerbaijan has all the necessary prerequisites and conditions for its success.” And then: “Goldstein emphasized that such a concert is impossible in Armenia for political reasons.” “After all, according to the UN resolutions, Armenian troops must be withdrawn from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, and we shall not hold a concert there until it is done,” he stressed.

Well, firstly, since when do the representatives of show business know the UN resolutions so well? We do not say this to somehow offend Mr. Goldstein. Simply everyone in the West is busy with their own job, and they do not try to solve all the problems of the world. But the funniest part is yet ahead! We were unable to find “Regional Director of the MTV for Eurasia, Matthew Goldstein” in the Internet. There are regional directors for Russia and for other countries, but not one for Eurasia. And once again, without offense, we would be much obliged if Mr. Goldstein responded and explained his position to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict...

Well, let’s forget it. What looks even funnier is that 120 people, who attended the elections in Nagorno-Karabakh as observers, are declared personae non grata by Baku. It’s quite interesting why the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are not declared as such, though they too go to Stepanakert from Yerevan. The trouble is that going from Baku is quite dangerous. But this is, so to say, the cost of zeal towards the authorities.

What Baku seeks is that no one ever visits NKR, and that the NKR Defense Army be withdrawn from the liberated territories. Then Ilham Aliyev can safely complete his father's work, i.e. solve the Armenian question in Nagorno-Karabakh. But, alas, Aliyev’s dream is never to come true, and he'll have to comfort himself with recounting the petrodollars that will very soon come to an end. In this regard, it would be useful to remind Azerbaijan that the Soviet Union “ate” $220 billion petrodollars for several years, and… collapsed. However, history lessons are good only for those who understand and add them to their armory.

Karine Ter-Sahakyan / PanARMENIAN News
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