PanARMENIAN.Net - Azeri political scientist Mubariz Ahmedoghlu stated that the OSCE mission report over fact finding on settlement of territories adjacent to Nagorno Karabakh is not acceptable to Azerbaijan. In his opinion, the mission made an honest effort, however, «the OSCE Minsk Group in its political decision inclined the processes in favor of Armenia - the Nagorno Karabakh government was allegedly engaged in settling population, not the leadership of Armenia.» In Ahmedoghlu's opinion, the decision aims at assisting Armenia in the talks, «to exonerate the occupier country.» «In this case there is no one guilty as Nagorno Karabakh is not a subject of the international law and thus cannot be called to account on the Helsinki Convention, in compliance with which the settlement of the occupied territories is prohibited. If the document had mentioned Armenia, sanctions might have been imposed and pressure might have been put upon the occupier country. By means of this report the OSCE Minsk Group merely saved Armenia a danger. In fact, everyone knows that a considerable part of the assistance being provided to Nagorno Karabakh goes to Armenia. Even if «Nagorno Karabakh» was engaged in the settlement, it is clear that it is being done by means and with the assistance of Armenia. It is strange that knowing it, the Minsk Group has tried to save Armenia from responsibility,» the political scientist noted. According to Ahmedoghlu, from the point of view of that stand of the Minsk Group the report cannot be considered fitting the interests of Azerbaijan. Having noted the need of a repeated raising of the issue in the UN, the political scientist said in his opinion the document will reach the stage of discussion at the UN Security Council, however the possible veto by Russia or the US will be a serious message to Azerbaijan. «This means time has come to understand that the Minsk Group is not interested in resolution of the conflict at the current period,» Ahmedoghlu noted, adding that «Armenia's tactics lies in maximally protracting the talks.»
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