OSCE MG Does Not Object against Karabakh Participation in Talks

PanARMENIAN.Net - The issue of participation of Nagorno Karabakh in the talks over settlement of the Karabakh conflict is in the competence of the parties to conflict themselves, OSCE MG US Co-Chair Steven Mann stated during a video conference, organized by the US Embassy in Armenia March 29. In his words, the matter should be considered from another point of view: will NK participation in the talks provide for progress or not. "The approach of the OSCE MG co-chairs is as follows: if the parties are for involving NK in the talks, we will support this option," Mann said. At that the US diplomat remarked he is not aware of NK President Arkady Ghukasyan's statement, in which the Karabakh leader stated there is a sole opportunity for NK to join the talks, i.e. Armenia has to give up talks with Azerbaijan. "However, I do not think anyone is interested in failure of the talks, as the 2006 is a promising year for solving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. I do not want the parties to miss this opportunity," the US diplomat said.

Besides, Mann said, "the Kosovo model cannot be a precedent for other conflict regions." In his words, each conflict is individual in its own way, "has its roots and history and we should respect it." "If we try to equate the NK conflict to another one, we will thus attain no good," Mr. Mann said, adding the parties "have undoubtedly registered certain progress" in the NK settlement. "Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan deserve respect for their latest steps," the mediator remarked, reports IA Regnum.
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