Azerbaijan Interested in Development of Military Cooperation with U.S.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan is seriously cooperating with the United States in the military sector, Azeri President Ilham Aliyev stated at a briefing in Washington when commenting on the possible increase of the U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan. In his words, this cooperation has been successfully developing during the recent years. "The frequent visits of the U.S. Defense Secretary and other U.S. top officials to Azerbaijan prove it.

We attach great attention to the issue," the Azerbaijani President stated.

Aliyev underscored that relations with the U.S. should be multisided. "We are interested in the development of cooperation in the economic, political, energy and military sectors. All the issues of mutual interests are openly discussed. We are partners and will maintain this stand," the Azeri leader said.
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