Fox News: U.S. may attack Iran within 8-10 months

PanARMENIAN.Net - The military operation against Iran may start within 8-10 months, Fox News reported citing a source in the Bush administration. By that time, the names of the presidential contenders will be known but there will remain enough time till the elections scheduled for November 2008.

The Bush administration is calculating the expenses and discuss the advantages of the operation.

The main plan supposes severe bombings during a week with a following blow on Iran's nuclear facilities, location of which is already known.

However, experts think that the operation will not completely destroy Iran's nuclear plans. Moreover, Iran may strike a counterblow on Israel or the U.S. military bases on its territory.

Economic blockade of Iran may serve as alternative to war. However, critics suppose that the blockade will rather strike at the population than the regime.

The TV Channel reports that the discussion of bombing plans followed Angela Merkel's refusal to support any new UN sanctions against Iran. Germany fears of the damages its economy might suffer. In short, "diplomatic" attack on Iran is going out of breath failing to properly suppress the Ahmadinejad administration and thus forcing U.S. to take resolute action.

Other powers concerned in the issue preferred to neglect the recurrent information escape. European politicians may play an old game: let the U.S. undertake the "dirty work". If it succeeds European states will garner economic profits. If not, their own relations with Iran will not be damaged.

And last but not least. Iran itself did not react to the news yet. Nevertheless, the leadership preferred to obtain new security guarantees. ArmRosgazprom, the branch of Russia's Gazprom, has purchased the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline. Thus, being included in the sphere of Russian energy interests is a more significant guarantee than it can seem prima facie, Baku-based Echo newspaper reports.
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