Aram Hamparian: date for Armenian Genocide resolution vote not fixed yet

PanARMENIAN.Net - Congressman Edward Markey from Massachusetts called yesterday for the passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. The pressure is certainly growing for a vote to be held soon, Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

"It is long past time for the United States to officially recognize the massacre of one and a half million Armenians early in the 20th century for what it undeniably was genocide," said Rep. Edward Markey.

"We continue to receive positive feedback from the House leadership about bringing the Armenian Genocide Resolution to a vote, but have yet to receive any specific indication of when they plan on actually scheduling this legislation," said Aram Hamparian.

The H. Res. 106 is supported by 227 Congressmen against 218 needed for vote. The resolution introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) 30 January, 2007, urges the U.S. President to use the term 'genocide' in the April 24 annual statement.
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