October 27, 2001 - 05:00 AMT
On the initiative of Egyptian special services a member of a terrorist group, connected with September 11th events, is detained in Baku.
The other day Azerbaijani national defense ministry stated about the arrest of terrorist organization member, suspected in participation in the 11 September terrorist acts in Washington D.C. and New York. It is informed that the unit, the member of which is the arrested, is based in Cairo and the terrorist is the citizen of Egypt. Immediately after the arrest he was sent to Cairo. A special "Egypt Airlines" plane was sent to Baku for the flight of the accused, convoyed by Egyptian soldiers, to Cairo. Journalists were invited to make this demonstration action widely known. The arrested got on the airplane in a black mask, the fact that was making the situation false mysterious. It is kept the terrorist's name secret for some reason and Azerbaijani special services do not make clear the arrest particulars because of "investigation interests"…
There is a direct evidence of the fact that Baku is a terrorist net part, leaded from Arab countries. Azerbaijani special service has made the arrest of Egyptian a demonstration show to prove the world that Azerbaijani government have no relations with terrorist bases operating in its territory. Nevertheless it is known that Azerbaijani law-enforcement bodies have had no participation in neutralization of the Islamist terrorist organization units operating within the country.

It is also known that in Baku a year ago American special services, not Azerbaijani ones, arrested head of "Jihad" military operation department Ahmed Salam Mabruk, accused of participation in US embassy explosion in Kenya. The CIA agents, not Azerbaijani national defense ministry workers "took" two other "Jihad" activists Isama Hafis Mabruk and Yasir el-Eydaruz again in Baku. At the trial for organization terrorist acts in Kenya, Eydaruz admitted that he was the "Egypt Islamist Jihad" Baku unit leader since September, 1997. That was a big surprise for Azerbaijani law-enforcement bodies. American, not Azerbaijani intelligence service found out that the fax, stating the order for US embassy explosion in Nairobi, had been sent exactly from Baku. The fact that top terrorist Usama bin Laden called Baku and had negotiations with his local representatives 60 (!) times 1996-1998 was found out by not Azerbaijani, but American "pathfinders" too. The mysterious parcel sent to Baku by the Kenya terrorist act organizers was not intercepted in Bina airport for some reason. A month ago Azerbaijani MNS high-rank representative colonel Ilham Ismaylov, indirectly admitting Baku's being the regional center of the terrorist net headed by Usama bin Laden, stated in his interview to the local newspaper that the special services had received the information on the terrorist base presence in the country from Americans and not through their own channels. And what is more, the recent arrest of Egyptian was not made "on Azerbaijani initiative" but in response to the inquiry made by Cairo government.

All the above mentioned facts are indisputable as the information primary source is the material of the investigation regarding the terrorist acts organized by bin Laden's people. Azerbaijani media has referred to the information not once expressing worry that Baku is becoming "one of the centers of the terrorist network". The direct relations between Azerbaijan and those, who the world civilized community declared war on, now are beyond any doubt. Azerbaijani role in the actions carried out by "El-Quaide" organization that in essence has admitted the responsibility for the barbaric terrorist acts in New York and Washington, are seriously discussed in the USA congress. "Recent information confirms that Azerbaijani government has invited top terrorist Usama bin Laden and his followers to Azerbaijan", stated Virginia Congressman Erik Cantor while he was having speech at the meeting of the committee for European issues of the commission of international relations of the House of Representatives of the American parliament. Having such a background, the Azerbaijani official leadership attempts to convince the world of its non-participation in international terrorism look, to say the least, are not persuasive.