October 28, 2002 - 04:00 AMT
According to some Chechen sources, mass actions in support of the terrorists that seized hostages were held in Azerbaijan.
Russian special services investigating the terrorist act taken place recently in Moscow have enough proofs of close relations of the bandits with partners in Baku. In Azerbaijan they do not try to hide any more their kindly feelings for the militarists which seize hundreds of hostages and kill peaceful citizens.
Mortals, mojaheddins, shahids, soldiers… this is how the Baku press calls the executors of the monstrous act. They were given different names but not terrorists. The bandits answered them with a shared care – in the evening of October 25th, few hours before the beginning of the storm, they set free all the citizens of Azerbaijan present in the hall. Why so late? Before, they did not have information that among the hostages there were representatives of a friendly country. The terrorists told the Azerbaijani journalists, with which they had a telephone conversation, about this: “We didn’t know that there were 5 Azerbaijanis in the hall. If we knew it, we would have released them immediately,” the assistant of Barayev, Abu Said told in an interview with the “Zerkalo” newspaper of Baku. The same newspaper noted that the Azerbaijani citizens were set free not as foreigners but as citizens of a country which enjoyed their confidence. “Despite the expectations and agreements, the Chechens did not set free any of the foreign hostages, besides the Azeris,” “Zerkalo” notes proudly.

It has become known that the leaders of the bandits, Movsar Barayev and Abu Said, more than 15 times contacted with Baku and received instructions. This was confirmed by the publications in the Azerbaijani press informing about the contacts of the bandits with a certain Ali Asayev which introduced himself as the political representative of Aslan Maskhadov. Evidently, the terrorists were contacting the leader of Ichkeria, which turned to be the direct leader of the bloody operation, through Baku. By the way, in an interview with the journalists of Baku, Abu Said confirmed that Maskhadov had personally worked on this operation:
- Did Maskhadov or someone else from the commanders know about your plans?
- Of course. This was a well-prepared plan. We were getting ready during the whole summer.
- Do you have an opportunity know to get in contact with Maskhadov or Shamil Basayev?
- Yes, of course.
- When this operation was being prepared, did Aslan Maskhadov participate?
- Yes, this plan was being worked out jointly.

So, it is evident that in the person of Ali Asayev the Baku authorities “sheltered” not a “refugee from Chechnya” but a representative of a structure leading the terrorists. However, the special services of Azerbaijan were not even trying to stop the activity of the representative of terrorists. The information published on the site of the ideologists of Ichkeria confirms that structures created by the Chechen Diaspora openly operate in Baku and they assist to the bandits. “The Chechen refugees living in Azerbaijan organized a mass action in support of the demands of mojaheddins. The refugees demand starting political negotiations,” Kavkaz.org, the main mouthpiece of the Chechen propaganda, informs.

Baku press has also started a propaganda campaign about the aims and objectives of the Chechen terrorists. During the two days when the hostages were being kept, people didn’t hiding their support to bandits, were given an opportunity to speak. These are some quotations from Ali Asanov: “The events of Moscow are not a terrorist act but the adequate reaction of Chechens. I think everything the leader of the group, Movsar Barayev does, is rather human. They are called international terrorists. I am surprised of this qualification”. Alla Dudayeva (the widow of the former President of Ichkeria which is now in Baku): “I think that the demands of the group are realistic… Johar Dudayev would have understood them”. Arzu Abdullayeva, representative of the Azerbaijani national committee of the “Helsinki civil initiative”: “I understand the desperation of those who executed the terrorist act, because all the proposals of the President Aslan Maskhadov addressed to the Russian authorities to start negotiations have remained unanswered”. Mehti Chettinbash (chairman of the “Caucasus” foundation functioning in Turkey): “This is not terrorism… I think that taking into account the nowadays realities, the meaning of the word “terrorism” should be revised”.

And now some quotation from the information agencies spread by the Russian media. ORT: “The leaders of the terrorists have several times contacted Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan. All the contacts with foreign countries have been fixed. Further on the work will be done together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.
NTV: “The person seized near the concert hall suspected of contacts with terrorists, turned to be an Azerbaijani citizen”.
RTR: “It is known that Barayev’s group was being financed from Azerbaijan…”

All these quotations characterize Azerbaijan negatively. This time the Baku authorities will hardly manage to escape from the reputation of supporters of international terrorists.