December 17, 2002 - 04:00 AMT
Russian information agency calls Azerbaijan a hostile country.
A big espionage scandal is between Moscow and Baku is about to happen. During the meeting with heads of the leading TV channels and information agencies held last Sunday the Director of the Russian Federal Security Service Nikolay Patrushev said that an Azerbaijani spy was revealed by the employees of the counter investigation services. He was Mayor-General Vagif Rasulov, the official representative of Azerbaijan in the commission for coordination of military cooperation of the CIS member-countries.
The General was in the centre of the attention of the Russian special services from the times when it was noticed that he was interested in materials which had nothing to do with his direct responsibilities. Not so long ago the Federal Security Service has discovered that Rasulov possessed documents which he didn’t have access to. It was fixed that those documents contained a state secret.

“A serious harm to the defense capacity and security of Russia has been prevented,” Nikolay Patrushev said commenting on the fact of revealing an Azerbaijani spy. The Director of the FSS informed that General Rasulov “has been called back from Moscow”. He is prohibited to enter the territory of the Russian Federation. The head of the Russian special services did not clarify what kind of information the spy possessed.

It is known that the head of the commission on the military cooperation of the CIS countries has information about the military units existing from the Soviet times. So, it must not be excluded that Rasulov has information concerning also Armenia. In this sense, it must be noted that the impediment of the espionage activity of the Azerbaijani General, certainly, is very important also for Yerevan. By the way, certain forces in Baku try to find “an Armenian sign” in these events. For example, the “Echo” newspaper suggests that the “Azerbaijani General was revealed with the help of the Armenian colleagues”. There is no basis for such a version.

The same newspaper writes that “the Azerbaijani General is a very well-informed spy and probably has revealed lot of secrets”. Most surprising is that Moscow was not tough towards the criminal and he was not punished. While the Russian legislation foresees for espionage a 7-15 years of imprisonment with confiscation of the property, or death penalty.

Judging from the Azerbaijani sources, Rasulov has avoided serious problems thanks to the fact that not long ago before his revelation was recalled to Baku. It is noteworthy that despite the scandal, the unsuccessful spy has a rather high post. At present he is the adviser to the defense minister.

Now about the Minister. It is known that the Defense Minister of Azerbaijan Safar Abiyev has always supported Rasulov during his long-time military carrier. The two Generals are friends. They have studied together in the military college. After the nomination of Abiyev as a Minister of Defense, the future spy got a prestigious post in the Staff of the military cooperation of the CIS. It is not difficult to assume that it was on the instruction of the Minister that Rasulov stated to gather secret materials. The Russian Defense Ministry also understands this and probably, has already made appropriate conclusions.

The relations of the Russian military men and their Azerbaijani colleagues will certainly be changed. The public opinion, which is being formed among other also by the mass media, is already being corrected. That is why the leading Russian information agency “RIA Novosti” called the Azerbaijani General a HOSTILE spy. It means that Azerbaijan is a HOSTILE country.