January 16, 2003 - 04:00 AMT
Armenian President to visit the Krasnodar region during his official visit to Russia.
Official visit of the Armenian President to Russia has started. Robert Kocharian will stay in Moscow for two days, after which he will visit the Krasnodar region. It is noteworthy that the arrival of the Armenian leader has coincided with the official start of the pre-election campaign in Armenia. According to commentators in Yerevan, this visit makes part of the pre-election campaign of Robert Kocharian. And the fact that Robert Kocharian was invited by Vladimir Putin is considered a proof of the support to the candidacy of the President by Kremlin.
Armenian President arrived in Moscow from Kцln, where he finished his visit to Germany. Issues concerning Karabakh conflict settlement, perspectives of Armenia’s membership in the European Union as well as the Armenian-German economic relations have been discussed with the political leadership of Germany.

The scope of issues to be discussed in Moscow is wider. We can judge this from the delegation accompanying Robert Kocharian. It includes Ministers of Defense, Foreign Affairs, Trade and Economic Development, Energy, Culture, Chairman of the Central Bank, MPs, and prominent cultural figures.

Apart from the negotiations with Vladmir Putin and Mikhail Kasyanov, the Armenian President is scheduled to meet also with the Heads of both Chambers of the Federal Assembly, Mayor of Moscow and the President of the Itera group. Robert Kocharian is going to meet also the representatives of Russian media. In the conference hall of the ITAR-TASS he will answer the questions of journalists. Besides, the two Presidents will have a joint press-conference. Robert Kocharian and Vladimir Putin will attend also a concert in the Bolshoy Theatre dedicated to 100th anniversary of the distinguished Armenian composer Aram Khachatryan.

Several documents about partnership in the spheres of Defense, Economy and Culture will be signed. A special importance is attached to the issues of energy cooperation. The details of providing the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant with gas and nuclear fuel will be discussed. The sum is equal to 11 million USD. In exchange, Armenia will supply electricity.

The President’s visit is coinciding with the meeting of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairman engaged in settlement of the Karabakh conflict. Robert Kocharian will negotiate with the mediators representing Russia, USA and France. Russia is concerned with violations of the ceasefire regime which became frequent. This will be among the most important issues to be discussed during the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Russia.

In Moscow Robert Kocharian will meet with the leadership of the Union of Armenians of Russia and with leaders of its regional structures. The President of the Union will accompany the Armenian President during his visit to Kransodar region, where half of all the Russian Armenians live. A year ago, when the local skinheads violated the Armenian graves, in Yerevan they started to talk about discrimination. But the visit of the Governor Tkachev to Armenia last October convinced that these cases have nothing to do with the migration policy conducted by the local administration. The established contacts helped to prevent misunderstanding. However, the Armenians living there still have enough problems, which will be discussed during the meeting of the Armenian President with the governor of the Krasnodar region.

President of Armenia will return to Yerevan Saturday. The same day he will receive the certificate of presidency candidate. A month later we will know, if Robert Kocharian himself will control the fulfillment of the agreements achieved during his visit to Moscow, or someone else will do it. However, it is clear, that the Kremlin wants to see Kocharian as leader of Armenia.