February 14, 2003 - 04:00 AMT
Co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk group believe Karabakh conflict settlement should not be necessarily based on the principle of territorial integrity.
Russian President’s visit to Paris was an unpleasant surprise for Azerbaijan. Statement of Jacques Chirac made during the joint press conference, in fact means that France allows the possibility of an independent status for Nagorno Karabakh, or its reunification with Armenia. The French leader made it understand that the official Paris was not going to recognize the sovereignty of Azerbaijan over Karabakh, predetermining results of negotiations. Chirac emphasized that the approaches of Vladimir Putin to the principles of Karabakh settlement were identical.
Russia and France do not see any similarity between the problems of Karabakh and Chechnya. Chirac noted that if in case with Chechnya “the problem should be settled on the basis of the principle of territorial integrity, the Karabakh conflict settlement should be based on reciprocal agreement of Armenia and Azerbaijan”. It means that Chechnya is being considered as a part of Russia, while under certain circumstances, Karabakh may be recognized a sovereign country, or one of Armenia’s regions. This could be considered only a position of the political leadership of two European countries, but France and Russia are co-chairmen of the Minsk group. The mediatory mission carried out by Paris and Moscow means that the position of those two states reflects the principles, on which the process of the conflict’s settlement is being based. If Chirac and Putin permit themselves to speak about this, it means that the negotiations about the status of Karabakh are going on based on the respect of the self-determination right of a nation.

The given fact has caused serious concern in Azerbaijan. This is what the “Zerkalo” newspaper issued in Baku writes: “The position of leading countries on the Karabakh problem is different from their position on similar conflicts. Nobody takes into account the interests of Azerbaijan. We are not being put on the same place with Georgia and Moldova… Our western friends regularly mention that the solution for the Karabakh conflict could be found not necessarily based on the principle of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”. If such statements have become usual, it means that the position of Azerbaijan is very weak.

Political elite of Azerbaijan tries to find ways for being liberated from the coming danger. Deputy of the Milli Mejlis, leader of the “Yurddash” party Mais Safarli for example, suggests expressing a vote of mistrust to Paris and Moscow: “There is a necessity to replace the co-chairmen of the Minsk group, Russia and France, which express always a pro-Armenian position and support Yerevan. The USA, Great Britain and Turkey should become co-chairmen”.

We shall note that Mr. Safarli has no claims to Washington. Meanwhile, it is known that the approaches of the United States to the Karabakh conflict settlement are identical to those of France and Russia. This is being stated in the recent interview of the American co-chairman Rudolf Perina. In an interview with the observer of the “Echo of Moscow” radio station Perina spoke about the possibility of an independent status for Nagorno Karabakh. “The world community is not ready to recognize the Southern Osetia, Abkhazia or Prednestrovya as independent countries. The case of Nagorno Karabakh is a little bit different,” the diplomat stressed. Continuing, he said: “We suppose that Prednestrovya or Abkhazia will not be recognized by the world community. Regarding to Nagorno Karabakh, there is a negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We, the mediators, are only trying to help in finding a decision”. This means that the third co-chairman of the Minsk group also thinks it impossible to predetermine the future status of Nagorno Karabakh and does not rule out the possibility of the sovereignty of the Karabakh state, which de facto is already established.

It is evident that the co-chairman can do a little. Whoever will be the mediator, he will have to take into account the fact that in juridical, political and historical viewpoint the Karabakh people have all the basis to be recognized as people of an independent state.