March 3, 2003 - 04:00 AMT
In case of loosing in the second round, the opposition will have an opportunity of revanche during the Parliamentary elections.
Two days before the voting, Presidential candidate Stepan Demirchyan confirmed his readiness to participate in the second round of the elections. Leader of People's party, despite the opinion of the radical part of his supporters who were trying to convince him in the impossibility of changing the power legitimately, Demirchyan decided to go up to the end believeing in his possiblities and in the triumph of justice.
There are lot of people in the oppostion, who are being led by the principle “the worse the better”. They were convincing Stepan Demirchyan to walk out from the race. For such cases, the Consitutuion foresees voting with one candidate. In order to be elected, the candidate has to get more than 50% of the votes of those who particiapted in the elections. If Kocharian would have been the only candidate, the voting of the second round would be a formality and would have created illusion of illegitimate elections, and naturally, of illegitimate President. This was the goal of some of the supporters of Stepan Demirchyan.

However, the young oppositional leader had enough courage to continue the struggle. He refused the doubtful proposal, proving his wish to be a public political figure and not a temporal instrument for those who are trying to create difficulties for the incumbent president. In any case, the life will continue after March 5 - the political career started with good name may be more sucessfull during the next elections. So, this is the second defeat of the «revolutionary» wing of Demirchyan’s team. The first signs of disagreements appeared when the new supporters of the Presidential candidate started to provoke people almost into organizing an armed rebel.

We shall remind that during the demonstrations organized by the electioral headquarters of Demirchyan, calls for seizing the power, instead of wating for the second round, were heard rather often. The candidate did not allow proclaiming himself an elected president but also he didn't give an appropriate evaluation to the actions of those who were provoking him. Meanwhile, it is evident that people speaking about the 70% of votes got by Demicrhyan and urging to “get use of the votum of people”, in reality, were doing him more harm than good. Speaking for force methods, they were making people think that the candidate was not able to win in a fair struggle.

The efforts of the radical part of the opposition to solve the disagreements out of frames of the legal field can not be considered logical, because if the administrtaive reousrces could play a decisive role, everything would have already been decided on February 19. The dependency of the Central Electoral Commission from the executive power is not thus much great to ignore the will of people. Stepan Demirchyan also understood this, when deciding to participate in a fair striggle with Robert Kocharian.

We can only hope that both candidates will have enough wiseity and courage to reconcile themselves to the results of the elections and not to give up to the dangerous temptation to take their supporters dissatisfied with the results out to the streets.The life is not finishing on Masrch 5...