June 2, 2003 - 05:00 AMT
This sensational information appeared in the Russian media.
The tension in the relations between the United States and Iran causes the concern of the official Yerevan. Both, President Kоcharian and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanyan have voiced their concern with the possible consequences of the armed conflict between Washington and Teheran. If the confrontation is not being eased in the coming weeks, the most pessimistic expectations may fulfill. The world press is already discussing the terms of the new war to be started by the Americans.
Russian mass media (''Nezavisimaya Gazeta'', the '''Namedni'' TV program on the NTV TV station) last week spread a sensational information saying that Azerbaijan would become a bridgehead for the military operation against Iran. According to the information of Russian journalists, this has already been decided together with country's authorities. It is already known that Iranian authorities have addressed a Note of protest to the Azerbaijani foreign Ministry in this connection. The Azeri officials, naturally, deny this information. The head of the foreign relations department of the President's apparatus, Novruz Mamedov said recently that there was no Note of protest from Iran, as the official Baku had never discussed with anyone the issue of using the territory of Azerbaijan for attacking Iran. Almost the same said already the foreign Minister Vilayat Guliyev.

However, these statements do not mean anything. It would be naive to expect that Baku authorities might have confirmed the fact of negotiations concerning participation of Azerbaijan in the possible war with Iran. Meanwhile, the good attitude of the White House towards Baku allows assuming that Washington is really counting on the opening of the South-Western front. Many in Baku liked the idea of being involved in the anti-Iraqi coalition. Some political scientists of Azerbaijan believe that in case of a successful implementation of the scenario the regional situation may change in favor of Azerbaijan. This is what Zerkalo writes: '' It may be followed by the change of the political course of Washington concerning the peaceful settlement of Karabakh conflict.''