October 21, 2003 - 05:00 AMT
The observers present during the elections of Azerbaijan say.
The elections taken place in Azerbaijan proved that the democratic values do not mean anything for the regime at power in Azerbaijan. Even the most pessimistic observers couldn’t have imagined the scale of the falsifications. Even the diplomatically formulated conclusions of the representatives of international organizations trying to maintain the parity in the assessments of elections of Armenia and Azerbaijan allow assuming that the Azeri authorities exaggerated.
Herein are the judgments of some observers and heads of international organizations: "I am disappointed". "The election process does not meet international standards", "The elections became a missed opportunity for holding a really democratic election process", etc. These are quotations from the message of Peter Aicker during a press-conference. He underlined numerous violations: falsifications of results of voting, presence and intervention of people at the districts that had no right to be there. The OSCE representative stressed that the night after the elections "mass violations took place". He did not mentions that he himself was among the victims. His colleagues spoke about it. According to Hanna Grozdetska, observer from Poland, Peter Aicker was bitten by the special forces of the Ministry of Interior during the attack o n the headquarters of the "Musavat" oppositional party. It is known that during the attack a 51 years old oppositional figure Hamidagi Zakhidov was killed and numerous people were injured. More than 200 participants of the actions have already been arrested.

Aicker’s colleagues stressed that the fixed violations in all the 124 districts allow stating that re-elections should be held. Of course, those judgments were not pleasant for the authorities of Azerbaijan. At the Parliament session the brother of Heydar Aliyev, MP Jalal Aliyev said that Peter Aicker was a "fascist" because of his statements concerning the elections. The Secretary general of the Council of Europe Walter Swimmer was also dissatisfied with the election. Her expressed his "deep disappointment with the fact that Azerbaijan once again lost the chance to have elections meeting the European standards". He condemned the violations accompanying the elections and urged the authorities "to start immediately serious democratic reforms based on dialogue with opposition."

The Director of the OSCE Bureau of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Christian Strogal voiced his concern with the "arrests of leaders and representatives of opposition, which followed the disputable presidential elections in Azerbaijan."

The United State divide the judgment of the OSCE about the non-correspondence of the Presidential elections with the international standards. Official Representative of the U.S. Department of State Adam Erely said recently that "The American observers became the witnesses of problems with lists of electors, pressure during the voting and other violations." "We urge the government of Azerbaijan to fulfill its commitments in front of the OSCE and provide the security of its citizens".

All these judgments allow assuming that the world community is not going to pretend it does not see that the Azeri authorities ignore the norms of democracy. Even having political interests requiring from the West to be discreet while speaking about the Aliyev regime, they can not close their eyes on the events taking place in Azerbaijan.