November 19, 2003 - 04:00 AMT
The Armenian churches and Jewish synagogues have become the target of Turkish terrorists.
The information that the terrorist acts against Jews organized in Istanbul were executed by the Turkish extremists was confirmed. The police arrested three people suspected for being connected with the explosions of the Neve Shalom and Bet Israel synagogues. According to the Israeli radio, the arrested are two men and a woman. They are living in the Binglol city of Turkey. Other two young Turks connected with the crime have managed to hide and according to the operative data now they are in the United Arab Emirates.
As a result of the explosions near the synagogue 24 people dies and more than 300 were wounded. There are people of different nationalities among them. There also Greeks, Armenians and Assyrians living in the district where the tragedy happened. It is known that the responsibility for the terrorist act was undertaken by the “Front of Islamic Fighters of the Great East” Turkish radical group. The representative of this organization called the “Anadolou” agency and said that the explosion of synagogues was only the beginning of the campaign aimed at “stopping of the pressures of Muslims”. The competent authorities remained indifferent to this kind of confessions, as they are trying to find proofs allowing accusing Osama Bin Laden. Meanwhile, the “Al Qaida” has not undertaken the responsibility for the explosions in Istanbul.

Bin Laden has never used to deny the terrorist acts organized by him. For example, “Al Qaida” has taken the responsibility for the operation against the American militarists in Iraq. Maybe the attempts to link this terrorist act with Bin Laden are useless. Turkey has its own terrorists to organize an act against Jews as they have already done with the Armenian churches in Turkey. And nobody was trying to link those explosions with Bin Laden.

Meanwhile it is known that the DHKP extremist Turkish group that had organized the explosions of the Armenian churches was not going to stop. It has been set that one of the executors of those explosions, Turkish citizen Abdullah Ekim and his friend Jelaletdin Erenzyul were connected with the explosion of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Yani situated in the Beyoghlu district of Istanbul. It is known that Ekim was preparing new acts but dies because of the explosion of a bomb made by him for another terrorist act. Now the Turkish authorities are trying to present the events as planned and executed by outside forces. But the facts prove the contrary. Besides, it is evident that the Turkish special services are not able, or willing to counteract to the terrorist threat. It is known that two months ago the relevant authorities of the USA informed the Turkish authorities that terrorist acts against the Jewish cultural and religious centers are being g prepared in Istanbul. If the official Ankara had willingness, it could have prevented the tragedy.