March 21, 2004 - 04:00 AMT
On the Eastern part of Pakistan, near the border with Afghanistan the capture of the key aide of Osama Bin Laden, Egyptian Ayman Al-Zavakhiri is going on.
The group led by the ''terrorist number two'' was blocked in a castle. There are very few chances to get out of there. Al-Zavakhiri is considered the ideologist of Al Qaida. Among his feats are: the murder of the Egyptian President Saadat, explosions of the American Embassies of Kenya and Tanzania, participation in the elaboration of the attacks on skyscrapers of the World Trade Center. However, for us the most interesting is his activity in Baku during the years of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
The ''Islamic Jihad'' terrorist organization created by Ayman Al-Zavakhiri which later merged with ''Al Qaida'' established its cell in Azerbaijan in 1992 which became one of its biggest branches. According to materials of the case of explosion of the Embassy in Kenya, in the period of 1996-1998 Osama Bin Laden 60 times called Baku and negotiated with his local representatives. The fax with instruction to explode the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi was sent from Baku. In 2000 the Baku unit was liquidated thanks to the attempts of the U.S. Special Forces.

The ties of Al-Zavakhiri with crimping of Arabian hirelings fighting in Karabakh for Azerbaijan is certain because Armenia and NKR were included by the ''Al Qaida'' leaders in the map of the Great Caliphate the creation of which was the final objective of Bin Laden and Al-Zavahiri. The founder of the ''Islamic Jihad'' used Azerbaijan as a staging post for sending the troops to Chechnya. He himself used Baku as a transit point for going to Grozny. It is stated that ''the terrorist number two'' visited Azerbaijan in 1996. According to the ''Wall street Journal'' he was going to leave for Dagestan in order to leave for Chechnya. But he was arrested on the border. The Russian borderers did not recognize him, as he was possessing false documentation. He was accused of an attempt of illegal crossing of the border and took to prison for 6 months. And only after his release the Russian service of national security understood that they had caught a man whose head was worth of $25 million.

There are grounds to presume that Al-Zavahiri was not the only leader of Al Qaida hosted by Azeris. According to the ''Daily Telegraph'' British newspaper, according to the testimony of the personal cook of Bin Laden, ''the terrorist number one'' should be searched in Chechnya where he could have gone via territory of Azerbaijan.