February 16, 2005 - 04:00 AMT
As a result of the intensification of the conflict between the main communities of Lebanon, Armenian community may lose the current political influence in the country.
The President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan presented their condolences to the President of Lebanon Emil Lahoud on the murder of the country's ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Armenian leaders were on friendly terms with the prominent Lebanese politician. Friendly relations strengthened especially during last year's visit of Hariri to Yerevan. Armenian authorities realize that the tragic death of the former Prime Minister may a negative impact on the status of the influential Armenian community of Lebanon.
60 years old multi-millionaire Hariri whom in late 70s "Forbes" magazine included in the list of the hundred richest people of the planet, has made a significant contribution to the recovery of the country's economy. Twice the head of the government, the politician last left the post of the Prime Minister in November 2004 due to contradictions with President Emil Lahoud who managed to stay in power thanks to the amendment in the constitution. Being in opposition, Hariri took the task of uniting all the forces who insisted on the immediate withdrawal of Syrian troops from the territory of Lebanon. Sunnite Hariri was supported by politicians representing various parties, ethnic and religious groups, the leaders of Druz community, the former commander of the army of Christians Michelle Aoun and even representatives of the Maronite Christian community represented by Lahoud himself. Analysts supposed that thanks to Rafik Hariri the opposition could win in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Now, after his death, nobody tries to make any predictions.

Hariri's victory would change the geopolitical situation because he would surely achieve the withdrawal of Syrian troops. Supporters of Hariri as well as some forces in Israel and USA blame Syria for the incident. It is obvious that the act of terrorism will be used by Washington against Damask together with other sanctions. This will increase the possibility of taking military measures against Syria by the United States. Armenia cannot be indifferent to the situation that is being formed in Lebanon and Syria since those countries are inhabited by hundred thousands of Armenians.

Armenian community of Lebanon has always strived to keep neutrality and normal relations with all the political forces. However Emil Lahoud has always been more popular for Armenians than Rafik Hariri. This is not because Lahoud is a Christian and Hariri - a Muslim and even not because Lahoud's mother and wife are Armenians. The thing is that being Prime Minister Hariri broke the 1976 agreement on the principles of forming power. The Constitution of Lebanon was created on the basis of the mentioned document that put an end to the civil war. The agreement stipulated the representation of ethnic and religious communities in the government. (As it is known, besides Sunnite Arabs, Shiite Arabs, Maronite Arabs and Armenians there are also Kurds, Assyrians and Jews living in the country). The representation of the Armenian community is realized by two ministerial posts and five deputy mandates. However, in 2002 Hariri decided to reduce the number of ministries and deprived one ministerial post of the Armenian community. In the government he kept only Dashnak Sepouh Hovnanyan who occupied the insignificant post of the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs. This arouse indignation among Armenian community. After the last year's visit of Hariri to Yerevan the contradictions toned down. Nevertheless he did not keep his word. Lahoud returned the second ministerial post to Armenians only after Hariri's resignation.

The situation being formed in Lebanon is extremely dangerous for Armenian community. The positions of Emil Lahoud have distinctly weakened. It is hard to say whether we will manage to keep control over the situation in the country. There is a serious thread of a new civil war. The confrontation between Sunnites and Maronites can force the political elite of Lebanon to reject the requirements of the 1976 agreement. In this case it will be very difficult for Armenian community to preserve its current political influence in the country.

Artyom Yerkanyan