March 31, 2005 - 05:00 AMT
37 year-old journalist from Bucharest Edward-Ovidiu Hovhannisyan is the second Armenian stolen in Iraq.
Certain facts have been cleared up about the disappearance of our compatriot, citizen of Romania Edward-Ovidiu Hovhannisyan and his two colleagues. According to the information received on Wednesday, terrorists demanded from the Romanian government a ransom of 4 million dollars. However, the main aim of the terrorists is not to earn money but to attract attention to the intention of Romanian authorities to increase Romanian military presence in Iraq. The President of Romania Besesku visited Iraq not long ago. After the trip he made a decision to activate the participation of his country in the anti-terrorist coalition and to increase the number of military contingent.
No terrorist grouping has claimed the responsibility for the action. Terrorists act incognito. The demand of the ransom was told to the ambassador of Iraq in Romania by unknown people. Besides, someone called a Syrian businessman living in Bucharest and asked him to pass to state authorities that if the money was not paid during 24 hours the hostages would be killed. However, official sources deny any information about the ransom. The video material shown on Thursday on "Al Jazzira" TV channel proves that the criminals have no mercantile considerations. The video cassette with the hostages was in some way passed to the TV channel by the terrorists themselves. On the recording are the journalists and their Arab translator, sitting on the floor with gun points on their heads. On the recording there are also two people in masks. The terrorists do not make any demands.

Like the whole Romanian community, Armenian community of Bucharest is extremely worried about the destiny of hostages. However, the initiative to join the Armenian community of Iraq to the searches for the hostages seems absolutely unacceptable. The excessive activity of the leadership of Armenian structures may in this case have negative consequences. It is known that Edward-Ovidiu Hovhannisyan was taken hostage not as an Armenian but as a citizen of Romania. Moreover, it is quite possible that the terrorists still do not know about his ethnic origin, since some Romanian surnames sound like Armenian surnames. Concentration on the ethnic origin of Hovhannisyan may create problems taking into account the existence of Armenian peacemakers in Iraq.

Edward-Ovidiu Hovhannisyan is 37 years old. He is a Bucharest born catholic, working as a political correspondent of "Romania libere" newspaper. His sister Ann-Maria Hovhannisyan gave an interview to "Reiter" agency where she stated that the leadership of the newspaper does not contact with their family. She says that his family was against his trip but he did not listen to them. Hovhannisyan went to Baghdad to interview the premier of the temporary administration Iyad Alaui. After an hour from the interview he and his colleagues disappeared. Later someone called to the editorial of Bucharest "Prima" TV company, employees of which are also taken hostage. The voice of one of the hostages was heaрd on the phone. "Don't kill us. We are from a poor country; we do not have money..." Later mother of one of the employees of "Prima" received an SMS "We are taken hostage. It is not a joke".

During the past year over 150 foreigners were taken hostage in Iraq. Almost 50 of them were killed because the demands of the terrorists were not fulfilled. Romanian authorities hope that the three journalists will not suffer the same fare. President Besesku said that Romanian special services in cooperation with American and British services have "worked out a line of conduct that can bring to the solution of the incident". What is meant under that line and are there any real hopes? It is still unclear.