February 20, 2007 - 18:02 AMT
USA needs Turkey more than any other country of the region
The Incirlik Air Base is the main ban for the President to mention the word "genocide" in his annual message to the country.
After Hrant Dink's assassination many people started to believe that Turkey may change its principles and start to show some respect towards European values at least by word of mouth. In fact, the leaders of the country did condemn the murder, though by word of mouth again, and moreover, it didn't take them long to catch the murderer, as if he was waiting round the corner to be caught. However most of the country doesn't consider Ogün Samast a criminal, but a national hero who acted in the name of Allah and killed "the nonbeliever".
The situation is rather familiar; the same happened in Azerbaijan, when Ramil Safarov - the murderer of the Armenian officer was announced the man of the year and a national hero. Right after the assassination all Turkish newspapers wrote that Article 301 was the first and the nationality factor only the second cause of the Armenian officer's assassination. But the content of the publications started to change day by day and one of the latest articles by Ertugrul Ozkok in Hurriyet speaks in support of the above mentioned. The title of the article is rather symptomatic; "These Armenians Will Never Make Men". As the author of the article states, his article is only an answer back to the one written by the newly appointed editor-in-chief of "Agos" Ettien Makhchubian. The article appeared under a similar title; "The Turks Will Never Change…" Ozkok was deeply offended by the fact that "the Armenians didn't understand the way they were treated and that is after the whole country witnessed an unprecedented funeral…" As for "the whole country", Ozkok definitely exaggerated; as it was mentioned before, Istanbul is far from being considered "the whole country", especially the European part of Istanbul, or moreover Trabzon, where the Islamic dispositions are rather strong. Why Trabzon? After all the number of the provinces having hot headed people like Yasin Hayal, is not small. However, Islamists are particularly influential in Trabzon, which of course has its reasons. The first reason is the poverty of the population. Terrorists and fundamentalists are said to be bred in poverty, and in this sense Trabzon is no exception. Trabzon has one more peculiarity - once being a large and a growing Black Sea port, it has turned into a staging post for contraband, prostitutes, drugs, and weapon. It is very easy to get any kind of weapon in Trabzon. There is high unemployment in the city and young people do not have anything to occupy themselves with, and Islam is very attractive and provides means of subsistence.

But the matter is not in murder only, or in "incompatibility of two nations" like many politicians like to call it. The question is - how handy would that murder be for Turkey itself? There are two options here - either Europe and even the USA will stop dealing with Turkey, or once again the fact that Turkey has some shortcomings will be taken into consideration. The latter is the most probable option to be considered, as Turkey is of great importance to the region and the Great Powers. This is what happened during World War I, this is what will happen now. And if Turkey with the US assistance manages to take control over the rich Kirkuk oil reserves, which is of great interest both to Turkey and the USA, Europe will have to settle accounts with Erdoghan's Government too. After Russia's obvious anti-European behavior in the matter of setting the energy vectors in the West, Europe has nothing else to do but to turn to the East, particularly to Azerbaijan and probably to Turkey. And the visit of the Minister of Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and later the visit of the Head of the General Staff to the USA prove to be nothing else but assistance in the fight with the Kurds. As for the Resolution on the Armenian Genocide, it is just a reason to once again remind the USA about the bases providing aircraft flights to Iraq and the importance of the Incirlik Air Base in case President Bush decides to attack Iran after all. Several years ago, under Clinton it was the very Incirlik Air Base that became the main ban for the President to mention the word "genocide" in his annual message to the country. Most probably this is what will happen this time.