September 18, 2007 - 19:15 AMT
Tehran believes the USA will by no means resolve to initiate any military operations against Iran
The war with Iran may have unpredictable outcomes; it will lock the Afghanistan-Iran-Iraq circle, will have its impact on the issue of Palestine, Israel and Syria and will ruin the last hope for having any stabilization in the whole region.
The Iranian question regained its importance in the international politics. In fact, it has been important over the last several years, but after France joint America's viewpoint, the further developments of the region may be greatly influenced. "The world must be ready for the war, which may be caused by Iran's nuclear ambitions. We decided, while carrying negotiations, to prepare the package of sanctions beyond the limits of the sanctions of the UNO. It has been suggested by the Germans, our good friends," announced the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Bernard Kouchner and then added that one should be prepared for the worst, "and the worst is the war".
With the very aim of convincing Russia in the Iranian question, Bernard Kouchner arrived in Moscow. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of both countries, together with some other issues, will discuss the draft of the Resolution of the UN Security Council, which toughens sanctions against Iran. According to the French Minister such Resolution will make Iran reduce its nuclear program. Paris hopes that UNO Security Council will agree to apply tough sanctions against Iran. Experts think that Kouchner will nevertheless try to make Russia change its mind and get its support in UN Security Council, though the possibility for this is not very big.

Together with this, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei confirmed the words of President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad which said that Iran denies any intention to create nuclear weapon and insists on peaceful character of uranium enrichment, "I don't think that in this phase Iran displays any serious threat, that it is impossible to cope with by means of diplomatic methods. Besides, I would like to emphasize that force should be implemented only with UN Security Council's agreement and that is in case, if there is no other possible options," said IAEA Director Generals.

According to the chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the Council of the Russian Federation Mikhail Margelov, Iran must make its nuclear program absolutely transparent and must allow all the necessary inspections on the territory of the country. "However the above mentioned should be fulfilled by toughening the diplomatic and economic efforts. According to the information provided by the IAEA no proof of the nuclear program having military character has been found in Iran. We have no reason not to believe the IAEA. Without such evidence any military actions against Iran will be unwise," thinks the Russian Senator. In this regard it is worth mentioning, that the war in Iraq was caused by the same "evidence" of Saddam Husein's possession of weapon of mass destruction. Later it was found out, that no such weapon was possessed by Saddam, but it was already too late as the war had already begun. According to Margelov, the war with Iran may have unpredictable outcomes, will lock the Afghanistan-Iran-Iraq circle, will have its impact on the issue of Palestine, Israel and Syria and will ruin the last hope for having any stabilization in the whole region.

The words of the French Minister received hostile reception in Iran. The Islamic Republic News Agency announced that the new authorities of France try to copy Americans in everything. According to the official representative of Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Ali Hossein, the USA is not in a situation to launch any military actions against Iran with the aim of destruction of the nuclear objects in the country.
"Iran has strong defensive capacity and we do hope that there are wise people among the Americans who would not allow any military attack on Iran, since this would lead to the fact that one day America would find itself stuck in the region even more," said Hossein.

War with Iran will have its direct say on the countries of South Caucasus. First of all, all the three countries will have to make a choice; either to support the USA or to stay neutral. Armenia, unlike Georgia and Azerbaijan will stay neutral, as for the other two countries; they may yield to the US pressure. In any case the war between the US and Iran will be a complete disaster not only for the region, but for the whole world too.