March 17, 2004 - 21:53 AMT
Armenia is ready to consolidate cooperation with the European Union, RA President Robert Kocharian stated at the meeting with the delegation of the EU-Armenia Commission for Interparliamentary Cooperation, headed by Ursula Schleicher. According to the RA President's press office, during the meeting, R. Kocharian welcomed "Towards Enlarged Europe: New Neighbors" EU's initiative. "It is serious support for us for the harmonization of the whole process of reformation and legislation with the European standards", the President emphasized. In her turn U. Schleicher pointed out the fact that the South Caucasus is included into the circle of interests of EU and that Europe is highly interested in the stability and peace throughout the region. The parties also discussed the process of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement and the situation in the South Caucasus.