April 5, 2012 - 14:43 AMT
Politician: Azerbaijanis not eager to fight for Armenian mountains

Summing up the results of Baku visit, Vahan Hovhannisyan, head of the Armenian delegation to Euronest Parliamentary Assembly briefed the journalists on his experience of communicating with ordinary Azerbaijanis.

“I saw no willingness to fight or die for the remote Armenian mountains,” he said.

Hovhannisyan also mentioned the perfect reception of Armenian delegation by Azerbaijani side, in particular, professional and friendly attitude of the security and the service staff.

Head of Armenian delegation said Armenian representatives were isolated from reporters in Baku; however, “using revolutionary tricks”, he managed to give an interview to an Azerbaijani TV channel.

Anyway, Hovhannisyan said he was not sure whether the interview will be allowed into air.

On April 3, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev called Armenians “fascists” during a plenary sitting of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly in Baku. The statement sparked resentment of the Armenian delegation which dubbed it improper and beyond diplomatic norms. Representative of Euronest delegation and other countries also expressed discontent with Aliyev’s conduct.

Euronest inter-parliamentary union includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.