April 16, 2004 - 00:29 AMT
Proceeding from the interests of the state and the society, the Armenian leadership and the opposition must find a efficient mechanism of dialogue, as all political forces are responsible for the situation created in the country. Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Tigran Torosian told journalists this opinion today, noting that to hold the dialogue it is necessary for the parties to refrain from certain actions at least in the near future. T. Torosian considers that opposition should participate in the work of the Parliament, as well as present its proposals on the draft of the law "on the order of holding gatherings, rallies, processions and demonstrations," which will let assess the past events. Besides, the Vice-Speaker noted that deputies of the ruling political coalition (Republican Party, Orinats Yerkir Party and Dashnaktsutyun) are ready to discuss basis for holding a referendum on confidence to the President. At that he noted that the parties should not speak the language of ultimatums, opposition representatives should not make such demands, which initially rule out any possibility of solutions. In the Vice-Speaker's opinion, the recent developments showed that the political field in Armenia is not quite formed yet, which is evidenced by relations between political forces transferring to "the law-enforcement level." Neither the opposition, nor the authorities benefited from the recent developments, he added, calling not to turn the present situation into a tragedy, especially now that real opportunities to settle it are present. "The impact of interested groups and people from the outside, for whom weak Armenia is favorable, is present in any domestic political event," the Vice Speaker of the Armenian Parliament noted, at that adding that making such accusations against any country or organization is inadmissible.