May 6, 2012 - 21:15 AMT
ANC leader refuses comment on balloon blast at RPA event

Armenian National Congress (ANC) opposition bloc leader refused to provide comments over the recent balloon blast at the concert held on the sidelines of Republican Party of Armenia election campaign.

“I can’t comment on the tragedy,” Levon Ter-Petrossian told journalists, however, noting that such an accident would hardly be possible at events organized by other political forces.

Asked to share his views on whether President Serzh Sargsyan’s continuing with his speech immediately after the blast was a correct step, ANC leader suggested addressing the question to President Sargsyan himself.

A blast, caused by the explosion of gas-filled balloons, occurred at Yerevan’s Republic Square on May 4 leaving 154 injured. According to recent data, 78 are still at hospitals, with 17 confined to intensive care unit.