July 13, 2004 - 22:21 AMT
Russia gets interested in acquiring additional enterprises in Armenia
In the near future problems, relating to investments in Armenian enterprises, whose shares were conveyed to Russia to pay off Armenia's state debt to it, will be solved, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov told journalists in Moscow, Russian media reports. In his words, work continues in that respect, however "some impulse, an agreement at the level of enterprises is necessary." Fradkov said Russia got interested in acquiring additional enterprises in Armenia. It should be reminded that the agreement to convey shares of 5 Armenian enterprises to Russia's ownership in order to pay off Armenia's state debt to the country, making $93 million, was signed in 2002. The documents provide for passing to Russia Armenian CJSC Mars (assessed $56.29 million), CJSC Yerevan Research Institute of Mathematical Machines ($2.75 million), CJSC Yerevan Research Institute of Automated Management Systems ($3.37 million), CJSC Yerevan Research Institute of Material Science ($0.35 million), the property of Hrazdan thermoelectric power plant ($31 million).