October 6, 2004 - 23:58 AMT
"Armenia has no political problems with Bulgaria. We can be a reliable and predictable partner for the Bulgarian party," Armenian President Robert Kocharian stated when addressing the Armenian-Bulgarian business forum, organized in Yerevan within the framework of the official visit of Bulgarian leader Georgy Parvanov. In his words, inclusion of Armenia in EU Wider Europe: New Neighbors Program increases the degree of political predictability of the country. It also means that the EU-Armenia relations will be "formed in a certain way in the near future." Thereupon he noted the importance of Bulgaria's accession to the EU in 2007, as well as of the cooperation between the two countries. G. Parvanov in his turn noted that the political dialogue between the two countries has created "qualitatively new - European relations," having "a solid contract and legal basis." He said he was satisfied with Armenia considering Bulgaria "gates into Europe," pledging to form preconditions for realization of Yerevan's intention in that respect.