December 15, 2004 - 21:32 AMT

On December 15 Movskovski Komsomolets (MK) Russian newspaper published an article about the Armenian village of Chardakhly situated in Lower Karabakh. Let us remind that this village, known as the homeland of Marshal Baghramian, is not inhabited by Armenians at present. Refugees from Chardakhly have settled in Armenia. "The mountain village is unique. It gave the world Marshal Ivan Baghramian and Marshal of the armored forces Hamazasp Babajanian, 12 Generals and 7 Heroes of the Soviet Union", the MK reporter, who visited the village inhabited by Azeris now, writes. "The central street looks like a highway with good two-storeyed houses on both sides". "This all remained after Armenians", Azeri Tahir says. "Passing by the Armenian cemetery we note the crosses and grave stones are destroyed", the reporter continues. He also visited the village of Zorakan in Armenia, where former inhabitants of Chardakhly live. "Our country fellows fought to the bitter end. Before the battle they put on curved in a cross white sheets", the village old-timers tell. The article also maintains unique facts of the lives of Marshal Baghramian and Marshal Babajanian.
To remind, the events of 1987 in the village of Chardakhly foreboded further developments around Nagorno Karabakh. Then law enforcers of Soviet Azerbaijan massacred the inhabitants of the Armenian village. Since that time, the events have been only once mentioned in Smena youth magazine.