February 19, 2005 - 16:53 AMT
The Co-Chairs of US Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone (D-NJ) have addressed a congratulation message to the people and President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic due to the 17-th anniversary of the beginning of the Nagorno Karabakh liberation movement. The message specifically says that the Karabakh movement was the first campaign for liberty in the former Soviet Union. The Nagorno Karabakh people have officially addressed the Soviet Government asking to put right the historical injustice "of which soviet dictator Joseph Stalin is to blame" and to reunite the region with Armenia. Strict measures by the central Soviet and Azeri authorities, which grew into a full-scale military aggression against Nagorno Karabakh was the response to that peaceful and lawful request. The Nagorno Karabakh people have doughtily protected their right to live freely on the land of their ancestors. Today Nagorno Karabakh continues strengthening its statehood with its democratically elected leaders, strong army and independent foreign policy. "In connection with the anniversary we assure that we will continue every possible support of the liberty, democracy and economic development of Nagorno Karabakh. Last year the US Congress allocated another $3 million as foreign assistance to Nagorno Karabakh to assist you to revive your life and your land, devastated as a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against your freedom. We assure you that we will keep doing our best for your interests to be represented in the Congress. We welcome your constructive approach and the continuing contribution to establishment of peace and stability in the region. Our support to your democracy and your urge to live freely under the governance of your elected persons is steadfast," the Congressmen's message noted.