September 18, 2012 - 14:35 AMT
Expert says CSTO CRRF drills special message to Azerbaijan, Georgia

With hosting CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces (CRRF) exercise, Armenia, as a military leader in the region, may send a special message to Azerbaijan, according to Regional Studies Center (RSC) head, political expert Richard Giragosian.

“The drills reaffirm Armenia’s role as Russia’s most important and most reliable partner in the region. They imply that Armenia is likely to become an equal partner for Russia in the near future,” the expert said.

Dwelling on Georgia’s reaction to the maneuvers, Mr. Giragosian noted the country’s concerns over the issue understandable, given Russia’s intention to intimidate Tbilisi.

“In this case, Armenia must act as a balancing party between Russia and Georgia,” the expert said.