April 24, 2005 - 09:02 AMT
Representatives of a range of Turkish non-governmental organizations disseminate leaflets demanding that Turkey acknowledge the Armenian Genocide next to the Memorial to Victims of the Armenian Genocide in Yerevan. As reported by leader of the Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe Osgul Cem, a range of other Turkish organizations participate in the action besides the one headed by him. The leaflets being handed to Armenian citizens and foreign guests, who visit Tsitsernakaberd today, contain censure of the Genocide and they demand that Turkey unconditionally acknowledge and denounce the Genocide. "We consider Turkey a fascist state, as it conceals historical facts. We promote acknowledgement and censure of the Armenian Genocide," Osgul Cem stated, reported that members of the organizations taking part in today's action are announced persona non grata in Turkey for numerous statements demanding to recognize the Armenian Genocide. "The Turkish people attitude to the issue of acknowledgement of the Genocide is normal," he stated. It should be noted that Ezids also take part in today's action.