May 6, 2005 - 12:58 AMT
May 4-6 in the Yerevan Polytechnic University the Days of Intel Computer Knowledge were held. During the event notebooks assembled in Armenia on the basis of the latest Intel Centrino technology as well as a new program of system administration and chips made especially for this program were presented. The principal directions of the exhibition were mathematical modeling, multimedia, 3D design as well as implementation of mobile devices in different fields. As Intel Company representative Renat Menazhzinov told PanARMENIAN.Net, over ten Armenian specialists participated in the creation of Intel Centrino system. On the last day a seminar, during which the Intel specialists familiarized the participants with the world news of high technologies, was held. Besides, Intel and UNICOMP companies handed presents and raffled prizes. The main prize was Unicomp notebook assembled on the basis of Intel Centrino technology. To note, the students of the Polytechnic University only took part in the competition. One more notebook was conveyed to the University administration.