February 20, 2003 - 06:38 AMT

The central electoral commission has drawn the preliminary results of another five districts. Commission deputy chairman Hamlet Abrahamian announced them in the air of the Public Television company of Armenia. Information on almost 9 polling stations in the 33-rd district of Armavir region is received. 67% of the electors included in the electoral register voted there. Artashes Geghamian gathered 530 votes, Stepan Demirchian 822, Robert Kocharian 2671. Data on 3 election centers is summarized in 36-th district of Vanadzor. 2604 constituents out of the total of 4824 voted there, i.e. 53%. 535 voted for Geghamian, 505 for Demirchian, 1301 for Kocharian. Information on 15 districts is available in the 50-th district of Shirak region. Almost 70% of constituency voted there. Geghamian collected 1807 votes, Demirchian - 1841, Kocharian - 3724. District number 52 is situated in Syunik. The city of Goris is its center. Data on 7 districts is known there. Over 80% of citizens included in the electoral rolls came to the ballot boxes there. 60 out of them gave preferrence to Geghamian, 218 considered Demirchian as deserving, 1114 came out in favor of Kocharian. The electoral commission of the 33-rd district of Gegharkunik has submitted information on ten election centers, where over 70% of the electorate voted. 886 favored Geghamian, 882 Demirchian, 2259 Kocharian.