February 20, 2003 - 05:34 AMT
The central electoral commission has summed up the results of the presidential elections in the 53-rd district of Syunik region of Armenia. According to early returns, 30866 constituents participated in the elections there. Out of them 40 voted for Ruben Avagian, 543 for Artashes Geghamian, 3744 for Stepan Demirchian, 247 for Aram Karapetian, 8 for Aram Harutyunian, 216 for Vazgen Manukian, 10 for Garnik Margarian, 45 for Aram Sargsian, 14838 for Robert Kocharian. 81 electors voted against all candidates. The results on other districts are being summarized by the computer center of the central electoral commission.