January 7, 2013 - 16:39 AMT
Working mothers to get financial boost towards childcare in UK

Working mothers will be given thousands of pounds-worth of support for child care to help them to return to work, under plans being considered by David Cameron and Nick Clegg, The Telegraph reported.

Families could be entitled to claim up to £2,000 per child every year from their tax bills to cover the cost of childminders and nurseries as part of a new government scheme to help families. The childcare plans form the centrepiece of new proposals set out in the Coalition’s mid-term review, which is being unveiled today by Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister at a rare joint press conference in Downing Street.

Other new measures will include new financial support to help first time buyers get on the housing ladder by making mortgages more affordable to young people.

The government will also announce a new flat rate £140 a week state pension, funded by increases in the state retirement age, and new plans for more new road tolls to cover the cost of new investment in transport infrastructure.