July 7, 2005 - 08:28 AMT
Nagorno Karabakh should join Armenia - it may become a major bail of security and can solve many issuing problems, questions. As Vice-Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Armenian delegation head Vahan Hovhannisyan stated, says the report of special Representative of OSCE PA Sec. Gen. on Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lennmarker. In Hovhannisyan's words, the report also notes that Azerbaijan should hold direct talks with Karabakh authorities. Qualifying the report as daring and balanced on the whole, V. Hovhannisyan informed no resolution is passed based on the Lennmarker's report. "At the current stage the document is taken into account, work continues, a neutral resolution may be passed in the future," the OSCE PA Armenian delegation head said. He also remarked that Mr. Lennmarker will probably continue his activities at the office, however this will be finally specified this autumn.