September 6, 2005 - 09:28 AMT
The current stage of the process of settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict does not differ much from the previous ones and will finish in a similar way, head of the Department of Conflictology and Migration of the Institute of Peace and Democracy Arif Yunusov stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. "In short one may call the current stage "an inertly running imitation." It externally resembles the stage, which has already been named a "Paris" or "Key West" one in history. Certain specific proposals appeared at the time, the parties were discussing these, however everything finished in a way it should - futile," he stated. Answering a question on possible progress in the conflict settlement, registered as an outcome of Kocharian-Aliyev meeting in Kazan, Arif Yunusov stated, "According to the information I possess, there was no serious discussion between the Presidents in Kazan." "The parties exchanged opinions over the options already suggested. The process continues and it will finish just the same way, as the "Paris" stage," the Azeri expert added.