September 28, 2005 - 10:01 AMT
September 27 the Finnish delegation headed by President Tarja Halonen met with Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II. Justice Minister Davit Harutyunian and Armenian Ambassador Vladimir Karmirshalian were also present at the meeting, press service of Holy Echmiadzin Chancellery reported. The Catholicos expressed satisfaction with the developing Armenian-Finnish relations and noted the brotherly relations between the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Finnish Lutheran Church. Garegin II thanked the Finnish President for the contribution to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict peaceful settlement. "We believe that the good must win and there is no other way but living in peace and cooperation in our region and in the world", the Catholicos of All Armenians stated. The parties also discussed the process of Armenia's democratization as well as the activities of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the educational and social fields.